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SG Basketball: Messy, messy, messy

By Erik Van Dyke
The last RSEQ game of the year, against Le Salesien on their home floor, was one of those games I just don’t like that much, i.e. non-stop full court pressure with loose reffing. 也就是说我们的持球手总是被压在前场,而且每次比赛都有身体接触. 这意味着每次你拿球的时候,你都有两到四只手去抢球,而不用担心犯规(事实上, Clara’s father spent most of the game yelling “Hands! Hands!” from the sideline). 这意味着游戏是一场杂乱无章的田径比赛,一切都是仓促的、即兴的、混乱的, the way basketball is probably played in prison. 监狱篮球的主要问题是你学不到很多技术和策略. It’s a battle of athleticism. It’s roller derby.
事实上,在这类游戏中有一件重要的事情需要学习:如何竞争. How to deal with constant pressure. 如何通过不吹哨和猛烈的进攻让裁判判罚 has to blow the whistle.
In that respect, I am happy with this game, despite the 44-31 loss because we competed, 比起上一场RSEQ vs La Ruche的比赛,我们在接受和处理松散的修改方面做得更好 and coaches were much too preoccupied with whining about the refs).
这并不是说我们做得很好,因为我们做得并不好. You could tell we’d had a three-day tournament on the weekend. Our legs were heavy. Our hands were bad. We were slow. We were legitimately tired.
But we gave what we could. Positives that stick out for me were Hayley’s free throw shooting (5 for 7), Zoey’s back-to-back early-offence layups, Halle’s 破坏性的辩护,以及在麦当劳的意外停留(黑尔应该成为法律)。. Negatives? Just one, but it was a big one, i.e. 麦蒂的手指断了——这次是另一个手指——就在麦克劳德前两天. 她能参加今年最重要的比赛吗? And if so, how compromised will she be?
Oh, and one other thing I’ll never forget, i.e. 这是我职业生涯的第三次技术犯规,当时克拉拉没有先向记分员汇报就替补上场了. 直接从板凳上跳了进来——“板凳技术”交给教练! 是的,克拉拉,在我们让你失望之前会有很长一段时间!
So endeth our RSEQ season, 一个在胜(5)负(7)方面非常平庸的球队。, 但它的目的在于教会我们如何快速、强硬和无所畏惧地打球. Those games turned us into a legitimate D3 team, 两天之后麦克劳德省的比赛.
Let’s see if we can make some noise…!
- Coach Van Dyke